Pop up Window
Add this javascript code in your html. window.open("Page","Window Name", "menubar=no,width=430,height=360,toolbar=no"); Button <input type="button" name="pop" value="Click to Pop" onClick = window.open(" http://developerguides.blogspot.com/ ","Pop1", "menubar=no,width=500,height=600,toolbar=no"); > Option Values Description Version location yes|no Does the location bar show? ver 1.0 menubar yes|no Does the menubar show? ver 1.0 scrollbars yes|no Do scrollbars show? ver 1.0 status yes|no Does the status bar show| ver 1.0 titlebar yes|no Does the titlebar show? ver 1.0 toolbar yes|no Does the toolbar show? ver 1.0 resizable yes|no Can you resize the window? ver 1.0 height pixels height of window ver 1.0 width pixels width of window ver 1.0 directories yes|no Does the personal toolbar show? ver 1.2 innerHeight pixels specifies the inner height of window ver...